Monday, November 07, 2005
Stupid Stupid Stupid

I am such a dolt. Haha. I go send all my friends an email telling em to check my blog. Although, how they will check it without the URL beats me. So I end up sending ANOTHER email telling them the URL. I just hope I sent it to the same people I sent the first email to tho, cos otherwise they will be completely confused. *wrings own neck* Hee.

Oh well, am back from the land of the white beaches...namely, Ganapati Phule. Not the greatest vacation I've had. Our hotel was um...quite stupid, to say the least. It was on a hilltop. You would think, by reading the 'on the hilltop' thing, that it would be good, that the entire hotel would be on the hilltop. But no, there have to be buildings all over the hill, and the main building that holds the hotel rooms, has to be at the very top, and the parking spaces at the very bottom. Not to mention a million steps to traverse to get to the fucking rooms. Phew.

And the service was crap. On the first day, there were vegetable and cheese sandwiches. On the next day, the cheese ones mysteriously disappeared. On the third day, we were told there's no bread. *rolls eyes*

Oh, but blee. The beach was really, really nice. It was all white, and there were these tiny shells all over, and it was so calming to feel the waves wash over your feet. My cousins and I were looking at all these shells with crabs in them, that got washed onto the shore. There were all these starfish too. We saw one that wasn't buried in the sand, and it was so weird. It was moving all over - was weird. I wrote my name all huge in the dry sand, and was all proud of how nice it looked. Haha.

Ooh. Dinshaw Uncle went and discovered that I can sing, so everyone was bent upon making me sing something during the song sessions the adults always have. I've never really sung in them before, even though my parents know I can sing, cos all they sing mostly is all the old Hindi songs...of which I know not too many, and even them, I know like two lines. But it was fun, to sing something myself. Later, the kids came too, so we all sang much more recent songs, and it was a lot of fun.

We burst a few leftover Diwali crackers there...the 'Chinese' crackers were pretty good...specially the Silent Sparklers. Oh, and I got to go on a speedboat, even though someone else was driving it.

We had CET classes today morning. First we had Anil Mehta's lecture. Who asked him to return anyway? Life was so blissful without him. I mean, obviously I feel all sorry for him cos he had to take leave to take care of his dad (who had testicular cancer)...but hello, life was a hell lot better when he was gone. After his boring, dragging lecture, we had Shukla sir's...which was pretty alright. Then came Ram Iyer's...he was teaching Cell Division, which I loooooooooove. Mitosis, Meiosis = my greatest loves. Haha. Ram Iyer is a little irritating though. He always looks bored, as if he doesn't really want to teach us stupid kids.

Best was Mangala's lecture...hahaha. She is so monotonous. She started Nervous Coordination for us. Her diagrams are hilarious...or atleast I thought so. I went completely nuts in the lecture. I was giggling throughout...I just hope she didn't see me.

Things I never knew before Mangala's lecture:

Nice, huh?

All my friends seem to think they must tease me with Moody after my last to last post. How nice. Not like they didn't tease me before. Sorry, Moodykins. *cheeky grin* I shall go, as Dani is most anxious to read my Mangala rantings.



posted by Paddy at 4:59 PM


Blogger G said:

Lol..Ahhhh I wanna go to the beach! Tis all rainy n flooded here though, bleargh. *snorts* how you can count anything in a biology textbook a love of yours is beyond me... =)

5:08 PM 

Anonymous Anonymous said:

hey ..... ders a mistake de brains not de rat .... de lateral ventricles r ..... who cares .... u know wat ... dont curse mangala ..... i luv dat tchr .... her lecture u can always catch up on sleep .... blimey u ll never luuuv ny teacher more once u start sleepin thru her lectures ....

5:19 PM 

Blogger sukanya said:

HEY wait a bit - cell division is sposed to be MY love.. not yours.. hmph.. STEALER!!.. no i mean STOLER!! (don't ask *wink*.. its in the same league as inhale)

Zo.. wunnerful hotel i hear.. lol.. wish i could've come though.. *sigh*

oh check my blog too.. not much this time.. but the usual random person comment was weird.. sutting about club music.. lol

5:26 PM 

Anonymous Anonymous said:

LOL The important thing is that you sent the address in the next e-mail. LOL ^_^

Ah... a long trek from the car, huh? I had a similar (sort of...) problem when I went to the Philippines with my family. See, to get from the main island to where Daddy's parents lived, we had to go island hopping. Bascially, we shoved all seven suitcases (and these weren't small ones, people!) onto this rickety old boat-like thing and then travel across the sea where we were assaulted by waves and other whatnot. THEN from the harbour, we had to take a truck to their place! It was most traumatising... not to mention they had no computers. That was... bad. LOL

Ha ha. Karaoke... It's everywhere in the Philippines! I got railroaded into singing, but luckily, I distracted them by pointing out my uncle could imitate the instruments in the songs. LOL I don't like singing where I know people will listen to me. It's... embarassing. LOL

LOL I liked meiosis and mitosis. They were funny. LOL Better than chlorophyll... *coughs* LOL

7:25 PM 

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Yeah.. didn't you do the same thing the previous time you sent an email about a blog? you forgot to send the link :P Anyway, glad to have actually found my way to it! lol

I'm gonna skip the whole science talk, as if it were never there :P but i am gonna comment on the holiday.. oohh! I wanna go there! .. well i don't mind going ANYWHERE!! anything's better than doing nothing at all, eh?

9:49 AM 

Blogger Paddy said:

Gaya: Oh yes, Chennai floodies...chee chee...poor you. And mitosis and meiosis are nice...I fell in love with em in 8th...and drew these wonderful diagrams for em that looked like they were printed n not drawn. LOL.

Suku: Bleh's mine too...seeing as I obsessed over them in the 8th...Shobha Ma'am was just too good.

Checked your blog...commented...blah.

And yeah, you should've come.

Dani: Oh I thought so...but I think I heard her say brain too at sometime. Anyhoo...I had lost it in the lecture, so whatever. She's good for sleeping yes

Lexa: Thank god..I was starting to think my emails never reached LOL. LMAO at your trip.

Ooh and this wasn't karaoke, it was just a singing session, everyone was just singing songs without music. I used to find singing in front of everyone embarassing, I was horribly shy before, but now I'm okay.

Chlorophyll is horribly repeated every year at school. Tis not good.

Colly: Ah! You're alive. Hee hee.

Um yes...kinda did it the last time too. Cannot remember to post URLs somehow...I'm dumb.

About the skipping the science talk thing, didn't expect anything else from ya. Hee.

I agree with ya...tho my holiday wasn't um, great, it was good for a change.

10:34 AM 

Anonymous Anonymous said:

naah deeps itz ayte..u dn need 2 b sorry..cuz they aint teasin me..itz all on ya..hehe..soo it doesn really matter 2 me..=)

5:58 PM 

Anonymous Anonymous said:


ooo..n i nevr knew v cud cuss on ur blog..*shine in the eyes n evil grin on face*

10:52 PM 

Blogger Paddy said:

*grins and pokes* Oh, cuss away. This blog is all about freedom of speech.

7:14 PM 

Anonymous Anonymous said:

haha..dn regret latr..*devilish grin*

10:11 PM 

Blogger Paddy said:

*rolls eyes* I won't...thank you very much.

10:13 PM 

Blogger sukanya said:

Mwahaha.. hereis one place we can cuss.. and no one to tell us off!! WHEEE!!!!!

3:49 PM 

Blogger Paddy said:

LOL. Nutcase.

10:39 PM 

Anonymous Anonymous said:

now lets innaugrate the cussin sesion..i go hmmmmm..ummmm..uhhhh..wut do i say?

9:24 PM 

Blogger Paddy said:

Ah. Nice inauguration.

7:36 AM 

Blogger sukanya said:

well *&~%#$ here you go...
There's an inauguration for ya =P

10:16 AM 

Anonymous Anonymous said:

lol..i thought it was all abt freeedom of speech..y u hidin it? gonna spoil deepsie's blog..hehe

6:29 PM 

Blogger sukanya said:

Moodyji.. i'd just have to wash my mouth with soap - haha... I'm a good girl, i am!! *angelic smile*


Paddy poo - i updated!! But its a nice and serious update... blah.. read and comment.. haha

Boredyness signing off!

1:02 AM 

Anonymous Anonymous said:

well..dn u think itz abt tim u got rid of the -JI? n u a gud gurl? hmmm..dn look like..hehe

7:08 PM 

Blogger Paddy said: anything you could do would spoil my blog.

Sukanya's name itself means good girl, Moody, which is a pity, cos she so isn't one.

10:33 PM 

Blogger sukanya said:

Lol... i like using JI now!! i shall use it to its fullest extent

*chants* sukanya is a good girl...sukanya is a good girl...sukanya is a good girl...


11:27 PM 

Anonymous Anonymous said:

hmmm..well u got a point there..utmost what can i do? nuthin can spoil ur blog then.."hmph!"

n ahh sukanya..u r good? thatz nice..on that note i feel like helpin ya on ur chantin..*sukanyaJI is a gooood gurl"..:p

1:17 AM 

Blogger Paddy said:

Haha. *huggles own blog* *sees Shafi looking at her wide eyed and drops blog*

*rolls eyes* She is not good...not remotely. I assure you.

9:16 AM 

Blogger sukanya said:

lol... huggle all you like... it'll be fun to hear shafi's reaction

Hmm.. sukanay Ji has a nice ring to it doesn't it?

1:14 AM 

Blogger Paddy said:

LOL. I only said that cos Moody went and told Shafi I 'huggle' everything under the sun.

I quite do not like the ji's.

9:33 AM 

Blogger sukanya said:

i love the ji's!!
Oh i forgot to say - yeah the potter puffs look good! lol

11:05 AM 

Blogger Paddy said:

I WUV THE POTTERPUFFS!!!!! *squishes em*

And poo to the ji's.

4:06 PM 

Blogger sukanya said:

potter puffs ARE cute... but whatever

10:24 PM 

Blogger Paddy said:

Oh go check out the LJ community for the Puffs. It's cute. Very cute. And there're SO MANY icons. Hee.

7:21 AM 

Blogger sukanya said:

yes i shall go some time when i'm not too busy... lol

4:21 PM 

Blogger Paddy said:

WHEN are you busy anyway?!

5:11 PM 

Anonymous Anonymous said:

haha..n may i noe wut r potter puffs? :S

yup..shaf was thoroughly amazed abt u hugglin

3:08 PM 

Anonymous Anonymous said:

soo no updates as yet eh? i thought u were gonna u sed on msn..*-)

3:10 PM 

Blogger Paddy said:

Ooh, I assume you know the Powerpuff Girls cartoon. They're stupid, but kinda cute. So people have basically gone and messed around with Powerpuff Girl pics, and altered them to make them resemble people from the HP books. Hence, the results have been called Potterpuffs! Whee. They're ADORABLE.

Haha. I actually managed to have a half decent conversation with him the other day, which was quite surprising. I shall tell you the results of that convo later. Sukanya already knows them, hehe.

Ooh, I keep saying that to everyone. It just doesn't work out. Too much to write, and too little time, and too many people watching when I'm on the net, so that they can yell at me.

7:00 PM 

Blogger sukanya said:

Yeah.. she said she wud finish her fanfic... that she said 2 months ago
She hasn't written it.. hmph...
paddy is MEAN!!!!

9:50 PM 

Blogger Paddy said:

*raises eyebrows* Riiight...I might just consider never writing it, with those comments.

Nah, you know I will write it. ^_^

And btw, I'm writing a blog update NOW.

10:50 PM 

Anonymous Anonymous said:

conversation with shaf u mean 2 say paddy? well well..nice..n m waitin fer the details

anyway i get it..will check em out soon..

n well u r writin an update? finally! =D..i dnt c it up yet tho..

11:20 PM 

Blogger Paddy said:

Haha. LOL. It's up now. It's HUGE. I think people will die reading it.

And you have to read till the end to read the part bout Shaf.

12:56 AM 

Blogger Paddy said:

Oh darn. Why did you go off MSN just when I told you to read my blog? *pout*

...maybe cos it's 1 am here.

1:05 AM 

Anonymous Anonymous said:

read till the end? *surprised* i thought i read the whole thing..still i cudn get the detailz on shaf..hmmmm..weeiirrddd!

u signed in? when? i got no idea abt

4:29 PM 

Blogger Paddy said:

LOL to everything you said.

YOU ARE BLIND. Have you read my new post or not? Did you read the part which contained the comments I got for that pic? Shaf's mentioned there. Haha.

6:16 PM 

Blogger sukanya said:

Moofyji - you DO seem blind.. haha
Ph wait - i said moofy (LMAO) i'll just leave that as it is.. mwahaha

10:25 AM 

Blogger Paddy said:

Oh god. You have a new nickname Moody.

I refuse to call you Moofy though, it sounds like Goofy, and though you did look all tall and too-thin like Goofy does, back in the 8th, I still refuse to call you that. LOL.

4:22 PM 

Blogger sukanya said:

lol.. i didn't say you had to call him thta.. poor guy..
And poor me - coz he'd kill me for it..

2:21 AM 

Blogger Paddy said:

Aw. *hugs Moody* LOL.

WHERE is Moodykins, anyhoo?

11:39 PM 

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2:41 AM 

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Deepti. Goldfish. Deebadi. Paddy. Carrot. Lambu 5'7". Tweety. Donkey Goddess. Piscean. Bombay. Manipal. India. ♥The Solanki Boy♥. Hee. Clumsy. Romantic. Kiddish. Kinky. Secretive. Obsessive About English Grammar & Spelling. Art. Craft. Random Stationery. Writing. Books. Music. Reading. Fanfiction. Harry Potter. Draco Malfoy. HPDM Slash. The Marauders. Sirius Black. James Potter. Tom Felton. Hrithik Roshan. Adrien Brody. Grey's Anatomy. Patrick Dempsey. McDreamy. Eric Dane. McSteamy. Dead Poets' Society. Calvin & Hobbes. Asterix & Obelix. Chocolate.

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