Thursday, September 17, 2009
A Wee Bit Of Perspective(?)
Life as a kid is simple, straightforward, less complicated. Nothing needs much further thought. Getting stuck there would be, to say the least, stagnating after a point - life can only be rosy so long with the promise of toys and chocolate. Everything moves, everything changes, everything shifts. And you grow. You learn. You learn to feel, to understand, to know, to live, to love...
As you grow, everything starts making more sense to you. Times when something serious happened as a kid, and you didn't understand - suddenly the seriousness of such situations starts to sink in. Everything has larger horizons and deeper meanings. I remember showing a story I'd written when I was much younger to this uncle we knew, and I remember him telling me how I should observe people more closely...because my story contained very Enid Blyton-esque characters which were - very honestly - not very largely dimensional (Don't get me wrong, I love her books, but her writing was for kids for a reason). Only later did it make sense, when I started realising that there is more to anything than can be seen at the surface...that there is always more to discover about another person (because, yeah, humans are complicated that way =P). There always is, and always will be, more to discover in life.
People speak of going back to their childhood, of going back to when times were innocent and blissfully free of responsibility and feelings. I don't understand it, for I know more now than I did back then...feel more now than I did then...and I'd rather be this way than any other. I'd rather grow than be at a standstill. I'd rather feel than be unmoving. Sure, I've had my difficult times, been depressed and unhappy and lost...but at the end of the day, you're a better person because of all of that.
posted by Paddy at 10:40 PM
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