Thursday, December 29, 2005
Buffoonery, Flipsyde Guys, SIB, Squishy Dogs, Murderous GFs & All That Jazz...
Oh god I'm feeling so weird right now. I'm in this weird, zany mood where I can't study but am supremely tense about the fact that exams are like less than 2 months away. Maybe I should just go study. WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING HERE UPDATING MY BLOG? I am such a cheapskate. Argh.
On the other hand, my dahling blog
does need an update desperately..hmm. LOL. Hehe.
I have suddenly discovered that
Somewhere I Belong is part of a C2 archive called
'slash, vampiros y veelas'. As far as I know,
SIB doesn't give the slightest implication of any of the characters being
either vampires
or veelas. Right now though, I'm pondering as to when Steph & I ever made
Somewhere I Belong even the slightest bit slashy. SBHP slash? No thank you. LOL. No offense to the people who like it, but honestly, I think we prefer HPDM any day. Weirdness. Hee. Anyway, I'm thinking of updating the fic sometime soon hopefully(I can already hear Suku squealing in glee and muttering "Finally!" in her trademark sarcastic tones).
Oh, well. Life has been rather...exciting of late - I suppose. LOL. Starting with my cousin Roshni's Arangetram (Bharatnatyam performance by a student after she has completed her basic studies in the dance), the past few weeks have been quite good, a nice change of pace. I was compering for the Arangetram, & it turned out pretty well. Got loads of compliments for how I was dressed & how I talked, so it felt nice. And the 'Maruti' episode onstage was...amusing, to say the least. How I refrained from bursting out laughing in front of almost 80 people onstage is quite beyond me, even now. Hehe. I'm not explaining, cos you have to see it to understand the crazy humour of the incident. =P
LMFAO. I just typed in 'humour' on one of the words that came up was 'buffoonery'. Never has a word been so perfect in description of an amusing incident of this variety. Ha.
Anyhooo, Rosh had called my elder cuz Kartik down from the States specially for the Arangetram, & he came, as always, bearing the gifts that keep coming from my aunt. I got this humongous, adorable, ridiculously squishy, white and red stuffed dog. It looks rather like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, actually, except it doesn't have antlers. But the red nose is enough. Sukanya dahling claims the dog isn't as cute as I made it out to be on the phone. Hmph. LOL. But whatever,
Rudolphesque-Squishy-Humongous-Red-&-White Dogs are LOVE. Hah. Ooh, and I also got this Christmas cap, which of course my brother had to go comment on, saying that instead of buying it for 3.99 dollars, you could get it here on the street for like 5 rupees. Seriously, when will the boy ever learn that stuff on the streets does not necessarily have great quality? Tut tut.
Whatever. Back to Kartik. Usually, its rather awkward with the two of us, cos we take a long time to get comfortable with anyone, and we're both rather quiet creatures. This time, though, I think it was nice. Spoke a lot more to him, and got along better with him than I usually do. Whee.
Dad & Bro dearest are off with Dinaz Aunty & Ramesh Chitappa & the cousins to S'pore. This is dictinctly unfair, but seeing as I desperately need to study a lot, it's OK. But Appu (that's what I call my Dad) seems to be feeling rather mean for going & leaving me here to study, so he's buying me loads of stuff. Atleast it seems that way. Hopefully he's picked up stuff for Mom too...LOL. Apparently he's got me like 3 fancy watches and some earrings. Why I need 3 watches is beyond me, since I already have a million...but whatever, atleast I know they'll be nice, cos Dad has good taste. Yay. I hope he finds the Westlife calendar & DVD I asked for, and the Cecelia Ahern books. They're coming back on Sunday...I can't waiiiiiiit!
Oh my, I completely forgot
Flipsyde Guy. LOL. Anyway, first - why I named him that. This one day, ages ago, when I was in class, I was supremely bored, & Shruti & lot were rubbishing on about Arpan & how much they hate him, so I tuned them out & focussed on the convo going on between the guys behind us. So basically, I was eavesdropping. LOL. One of the guys was singing 'Someday' by 'Flipsyde' rather out-of-tune, but I was just surprised anyone even knew of Flipsyde in my oh-so-wonderful (not!) class. LOL. It was rather clear he was obsessed with the band, cos then he proceeded to ask the other guys whether they'd heard of Flipsyde, which only resulted in them staring at him rather confuzzled. Haha. I could've easily told him there was no use asking them. I was all on the verge of either bursting out laughing or turning around & insanely squealing that I loooooove Flipsyde. But of course, I didn't. I rather regret that now. *pout* So since that day, I christened him 'Flipsyde Guy'. LOL.
Anyway, since the guy comes in my bus, this other day, I purposely started singing 'Someday' while brushing past the guy while trying to get to the front of the bus, & he totally looked at me, but I didn't look back. LOL. So then, last Monday I went to class, & after a horridly boring lecture of Maya's, we were all waiting on the bus stop for the stupid 381, which NEVER comes at night. Monica even left before it came, which just means that it was taking longer than ever. Finally it did, & I successfully got down at Jain Mandir, & was all turning around to catch a rick, & who do I see getting down from the bus but Flipsyde Guy (who has no reason to get down at my stop cos he gets down at the next one. So I was just staring in confusion at him, wondering why he was getting down there, & suddenly he goes "Hi". This is basically how the conversation went.
Him: Hi.
Me: Um..hi. (What the...)
Him: You're Deepti, right?
Me: Um, yeah. (How the HECK does he know my name?! I don't even know his!)
Him: You were in Mahesh, right?
Me: Yeah, you too? (Like duuuuuuuh, female.)
Him: Yeah, I was in SB6.
Me: Oh, OK. So what's your name? (God this is so weird. I don't even remember the guy...but seeing as he wasn't even in my batch...blah)
Him: Ankit.
And blah blah blah, we didn't get to talk a lot, cos we had to go by different routes soon enough, but it was nice. And I
so suspect he likes me or something, cos he still went towards Chembur Naka (which is his stop), even though he got down at my stop. But he's a nice guy, so yay. LOL. So whee, Ankit a.k.a. Flipsyde Guy likes me, or so I think. But the sad part is I haven't managed to see him after that day, cos I have been shamelessly not going to Kalra's lately.
Also, I have discovered that Moody has a GF (or maybe I should say GFs...but wudever), though it wasn't much of a discovery cos I pretty much suspected it. So I am on the way to riling up another GF of a guy who is my friend (refer Karishma a.k.a. The Biscuit = Neily's GF) & getting killed by her too. LOL. We were using the /BigKiss thingy on MSN...just because I was feeling dangerous (Yeah online kisses even count...hehe). It goes something like this...
m to the double o, d, y grabs Padsy (L) // Paddy's Back In The Dark Side, Frolicking In Dead Flowers With Prongsie...And She's Gonna Be Killed By The Biscuit gets real close and plants a DEEP,WET, passionate kiss. WOW!!! That was great!
Padsy (L) // Paddy's Back In The Dark Side, Frolicking In Dead Flowers With Prongsie...And She's Gonna Be Killed By The Biscuit grabs m to the double o, d, y gets real close and plants a DEEP, WET, passionate kiss. WOW!!! That was great!
*snort* Cheesy, but whatever...we had fun. LOL.
Anyhoo...signing off now. Must study Bio II.
posted by Paddy at 12:20 PM
36 People said..
Friday, December 02, 2005
Finally...I Update...
After a million-and-one people telling me that I should update my blog, I have decided to finally do so, EVEN though I should probably be studying Physics-I and not writing this. Haha.
Anyhoo...down to business, and finishing it as fast as is possible so that I can escape from the alluring clutches of my computer back to my studies. If only it were as easy as it sounds...
GOF is great! LOL. Robert Pattinson is HOT. In the egg scene, where he tells Harry about the prefect's bathroom, I was all 'Ooh, suggestive!'. LOL. GOF is the most fun of the movies so far. Tom had too little of a role in my opinion. I can't wait for the 6th movie, where we'll get to see him more! Whee. LOL. Suku and I have decided we must see the movie again in a normal theatre, without our bros or anyone else, so we can comment without censoring stuff. Haha.
I had to take a blood test recently, seeing as my cough is just not disappearing. It appears I am anaemic. Anyway, whatever...not like I'm too bothered by that, all I have to do is take iron supplements & stuff. I remember when I took my first blood test. The needle looked horrifyingly huge, and I was shit scared when the nurse was getting it near my arm. Then I proceeded to being rather shocked when it didn't really hurt at all, and rather intrigued by my rather scarlet blood. It's blood is kinda way darker than a normal person's usually is.
On that note, for some whacked reason, I'm actually looking forward to next week's Bio pracs, when we shall be pricking our fingers and testing our blood to find out its blood group, and blah blah blah. But then again, everyone I know seems to be looking forward to it. However, considering that
'everyone' refers to
only Sukanya & Salomi though, I don't think that counts as majority votes in favour of pricking our fingers. LOL. I just hope I can find the stuff they gave us at the beginning of the year for the experiment. Why they must give it to us then is beyond me, when they can just give it to us on the day we need it, in which case all of us will actually have it when the experiment is done. Stupid people.
I have been reading the
Harry Potter & The Children Of The Future universe side stories, after discovering them yesterday while checking if there was a CoF update (there isn't, but apparently it's being worked upon). They are wonderfully mad and crazy. I don't think I will ever tire of the CoF universe. It's addicting, and I am undeniably addicted. Slash rules! Hee.
LOL. That reminds me of what Flipsyde said they call their music, when they were on Go 92.5 FM for an interview. They call their music 'Slash' music, because it cannot really be classified as any one of the types. I was all hopping about happily just hearing the word 'slash'.
NOTE: If you don't know what the heck I'm talking about, don't bother. If you do, and you agree with my ideas about slash ruling...good for you. If you don't agree, well...quite honestly, go to hell. Haha. ^_^
Shruti was telling me that she finally talked to Chetna about us not going to Chetna's sis' wedding. Honestly, I am rather tired of people who make a big deal out of these little things that hardly matter, and start stupid fights cos they're a little pissed off. I know we should have gone on Sunday, but really, the wedding hall was in Goregaon and we weren't too sure how to get there, and we hardly know Chetna's sis, and we were going to end up wasting away most of our one free Sunday evening in travelling there & back, and at the wedding itself. We didn't call Chetna on Sunday though, which frankly, I didn't want to do cos she would just yell at us for not coming, & anyway she would've been rather busy. I did try to call on Monday & Tuesday, but didn't get through to her. Still haven't talked to her, and I probably should, but I'm rather pissed right now. Tejaswini, who anyway said she wasn't coming, went and told Chetna that she was all ready to come, but how could she when we dropped out right at the very last moment, so Chetna was apparently all pissed at Shruti & me, & she told Shruti that when we wanted her to be there for us, she wouldn't. Hello, it was just a stupid wedding, and that too her sister's.
What is the big deal?
Whatever. On to other topics. I refuse to rant on about inane rubbish, or 'Anargal Bakwaas', as Suchitra Ma'am once taught us, hee.
Sukanya & I have the best theories, really. From what Suku told me about
someone asking
someone else out a day back, our theory that guy-&-girl best friends are just meant to be together has just been given more solid proof. We should write a thesis on it. Of course, it would help if we could find our own guy best friends. LOL. Ooh, and our theories on ungay gays are the best. I can't believe Neil still hasn't figured what we mean by him being one. It's bloody obvious, especially after our questions to him. Haha.
Just finished watching Nach Baliye. It's fun to watch, once in a while. Delnaaz & Rajiv were eliminated, and I thought they talked awesomely at the end. Rajiv was pretty funny. Even though they got pretty bad comments from the judges, I thought they left with great spirits. It's so much nicer to watch people leave competitions sportingly, instead of crying their eyes out.
I should probably wrap up this update soon, seeing as its getting kinda long.
Last & final thing, which I've already had to tell so many people about, that I'm tired of typing about it. Hehe. All about my new found prettiness, it is. =P
It all started when I took a picture of myself, which I didn't think was awesome or anything, but was pretty decent-ish atleast. Except, it appears the picture must actually be good, because I got a lot of comments on it - nice comments. LOL. This would be the pic:

The comments I got and the people I got them from would be as follows, hehe -
- Akshay - You look gorgeous. (This one freaked me out, coming from him and all.)
- Moody - Nice pic. (Or something along those lines.)
- Weird guy on hi5 called Pallav - plz tell me which tooth paste u use. u have nice teeth. (LOL. I could only laugh.)
- Another weirdo on hi5 called Rishiraj - Nice smile. (Guys have no job, seriously.)
- Kich - That's you?! Wow. Wow. Wow... (I thought he'd never stop.)
- Shafi - Aww man you have changed a lot...a lot...a lot. Seriously. Earlier you looked like a nerd now you are...hubba hubba. (*laugh*)
- Neily - I'm not flirting or anything, but you look good there. (I happen to know he told Suku I look good without glasses, especially when I smile, after he saw me with my lenses for the first time. I don't think Biscuit will be very pleased. Hehe.)
Basically, the conclusion of all this is that Neily & Suku have decided I must have a fan club, like the one we made for Neilo when he was hot property, hehe. Temporarily, it has been called the "I Love Paddy" club, with Neil looking after the estranged GFs of the guys who are members, and Suku having the rather difficult job of looking after Neily's own GF. Haha. ^_^
Now I must leave, and return to Physics, or else I shall fail my mock prelims on Sunday rather miserably.
P.S. Potterpuffs are like the most adorable things ever! LOL. Here's a colourbar of Draco the Potterpuff.

posted by Paddy at 12:52 PM
18 People said..