Thursday, April 13, 2006
LOL. I have shamelessly stolen this idea from
Suku's blog. Hopefully I'll be able to do half as decent a job on it. I doubt though...sarcasm is Suku's forte all the way, and not so much mine.
Anyhoo...I pride myself on my title, which is oh-so-original (ahem).
>>You suddenly seem to have become way popular and have a zillion people (mainly guys...very desperate ones at that) who you don't know in the slightest, adding you on hi5 and Orkut and Myspace. Stop thinking it's cos you seem like a very interesting person, cos it's not. Those people are just more jobless and more ugly than you are, and want a little sympathy from you - the less jobless and the less ugly.
>>You go to a cricket match on the first day with all intentions of actually watching the cricket pitch and the action there...and end up looking at a cute guy in a blue and white shirt most of the time instead. You desperately need to start looking at guys who are just the slightest bit more accessible. And like Suku said...get that male best friend(refer 'best friends of opposite sexes = perfect for each other' theory)...QUICK.
>>On last day of said cricket match, you end up crazily cheering along with the Britishers around you in the stands.Don't worry too much. Such unpatriotic behaviour is pardoned...especially when Team India has played cricket in such a manner that their batting skills could be somewhere around the range of your own - which, without needing to say...are quite quite pathetic.
>>During one of the days of said test match, you start thinking about whether it's possible to connect the spots on the backs of the more spotty-bare-backed 'Angrezis'...and possibly form a picture of some sort. Go back to kindergarten, and get a 'Connect The Dots' book. You have more hopes of forming pictures from connecting dots there.
>>At said test match, you're sitting there wondering why the British lady in front of you even has a top on, because anyway the straps are undone, and the overall sight of her is not very pleasant.Next time around, realise that people usually go to cricket matches to watch CRICKET...and not other human beings, straps or no straps, spots or no spots, shirts or no shirts.
>>You amuse yourself in Kalras by telling poor Shruti certain well chosen details about the guys you know, because you know she'll get hyper about it and pester you for more details about them.You are a mean, mean person. Get a life. But then again, Shruti enjoys it, and so do you. Thus you are putting a part of science (i.e. Symbiosis) that you learn about every year repeatedly (so much so that you are now insanely tired of it)...into practice. Be proud of yourself...
>>You and your friends gain sadistic pleasure from taking more test papers and answer sheets than required while writing tests in Kalras, in the silent hope that they will have to print more, and thus spend money. Hahaha. You SO need a life. Especially since you were the one who came up with the idea.
>>At IIT Powai, which is where you've gone to give the IIT entrance, you're wondering why you're hanging around with people like Sweta, who is elaborating about the different brands the cigarette butts that are lying around on the ground near the canteen belong to, when all the while you could possibly be hanging around with a certain other person.Be thankful that although you had to listen to a speech about how Sweta's friends are all drug addicts and smokers and that is how she knows all this, the
other person you were hoping to spend time with instead atleast smiled at you and wished you best of luck for the Chem paper.
>>You have recently acquired a BF after a conversation with Moody, except he is a green blob emoticon, who is...suffice to say, very very adorable, but sadly not real in any sense. Also, you do not manage to come up with a better name than Mr. Green Blob for the poor little guy.GET THAT BEST FRIEND ALREADY!!!!!
>>You are sitting writing this when your Manipal entrance is days. Just hope they don't manage to get the admit card sent your way.
>>Your dad's cousins drop by and talk about how amusing your old cell's (which you let them borrow) contents are to read...some of those amusing things being your messages and 'Jinksy-poo'. They remark on how it seems you have a LOT of BFs, and you are forced to admit that no, you don't have a single one. Oh well, such is life.
>>Your 11 year old brother tells you that he spent an evening with two of his friends i.e. Rohan Rao and Ashutosh Whateverhislastnameis, making oxygen using Rohan's chemistry kit. If you're wondering when little boys started meeting up to try Chem experiments...stop. Little brothers shall always be weird. Any elder sibling will tell you so.
>>You get crazily happy every time you watch Cardcaptor Sakura and watch Lee's cartoony face go different shades of red everytime he gets flustered because he likes Sakura. Not to mention that cute little drop that appears at the side of his head.Never let your brother know that you watch the cartoon with him only for the romance in it. He will never let you watch in peace EVER again.
>>Every time you see the 'Journey To The West - Part II' ads on wonder how the illustrators manage to make those animated guys look so hot. Again...never let your brother find out about this. Or how you used to watch Spiderman cartoons with him when he was younger only to see Mary Jane and Peter Parker's chemistry.
>>You're going 'Aw, Kiero is SOOOO cute' in your head right now...while watching Kiero on Cardcaptor Sakura.Shut up about your insane reasons to watch cartoons. As much as your friends might know how weird you are...they do not need to think you're weirder than they presently think you are.
I'm thinking I didn't do as horrible a job on this as I expected I would, hehe.
Anyhoo, must go nowwwwwwwww.
posted by Paddy at 4:12 PM
lol..interestin update..n u dint get a name fo the blobby guy yet?? :|..sheesh..use any of ma ideas :p i know y u went to the cricket match :p..hehehe..n watz Kalras btw?
- 9:05 PM
n btw the update was a pretty decent job evntho u
- 9:07 PM
Paddy said:
Ahem...your ideas weren't very good, tankoo very much.
LOL. Cricket match was pastime. And Kalras = my stupid CET tuition classes.
Hee...plagiarism RULES...especially in such cases. Btw...go check out Suku's blog and read...her sarcasm is incomparable.
- 10:35 PM
Paddy said:
Ooh...LOL. Which one did ya like the most? My fav's the Sweta and the cigarette butts one. LOL.
- 10:36 PM
HavoK said:
Ok 1st of all those cartoon guys are paper and um mostly made by balding old loosers who wanted such looks when they were young who spend most of their time at the studio making up dreamworlds u watch card captors for the romance...i think there are mushier things out there ..get a life yaar...wot happ to flypside guy n garnish guy
- 10:44 PM
Paddy said:
- 10:48 PM
HavoK said:
cuz we both have a common quality of being jobless.
- 10:54 PM
Paddy said:
You got one BIG point there. Hehe.
- 10:59 PM
Paddy said:
Btw...since I didn't reply to your initial comment, Neil...
Hmph. LOL. I will watch whatever cartoons I feel like tankoo very much.
And Cardcaptors is sooo cuuuute. More than the mushyness...I think I like the expressions that the characters have. So shuddup. And who said I don't watch the mushier stuff out there?
And Garnish Guy is Suku's! are one confused soul.
- 1:20 PM
sukanya said:
Haha,.. not bad..
BTW - what neil says is not NECESSARILY true you know.. thats his theory.. you can stil live in dream-land bout it..
And neil - Garnish guy is MINE.. deepti hasn't even seen him.. hehe
What didja suggest moody??
Altho i still think K-k-k-k-k-rissssshhhh is a good name..
- 2:07 PM
Paddy said:
Dreamland I shall stay in then. Hee.
EW at Kriiiiish.
- 2:29 PM
sukanya said:
WOOOOT?? no calling him krissh???
You shall have to come to garnish for that madam
- 1:53 AM
Paddy said:
I DID COME TO TWICE!!! Of course...once was when I was stranded at your place during the rains. Hee.
And no Kriiish EW.
- 1:04 PM
sukanya said:
Hehe.. come here again.
1. we're watching Ice Age sunday eve after MAHE
2. did i mention Quayde's girlfriend lives in the US and he's in South Africa.. mwahahah..
i don't feel so bad anymore
- 2:28 PM
Paddy said:
WHEE COMIIIIING. Speshlee since I think my engg entrances have just been dumped in the dustbin. ARCHITECTURE & BSC HERE I COOOOOME. Ahem.
Whee...Ice Ageyness!!!
LMAO about Quayde's GF. Ahahahhaa. I don't feel so bad either...hehe.
- 12:01 PM
sukanya said:
she keeps going off to walk her dog when she's online
- 6:30 PM
Paddy said:
- 11:52 AM
sukanya said:
hehe its hilarious while it lasts
- 1:16 PM
Paddy said:
Why is NO ONE else re-commenting on this blog? Not that I have much hope from Neil.
- 6:37 PM
G said:
I'm here, I'm here! N I likes!! :D
- 9:40 AM
Paddy said:
YAAAAAAAY. I wuvvles you. =D ^_^
- 10:56 AM
Maria said:
ok u got like super fine print for ur blog but never the less i was totally hooked!!!
nice to read especially da dots bit...oh n da hot aimated guys oh ya and da sibling thing....aaaah n who's da 'other' guy eh???
ok welll thats like ur complete post!!!!
nice fun
- 12:56 AM
Maria said:
oh n ur blog is super PINK but i luuuurrrvvvee it!!!
- 12:57 AM
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